Interactive Documentary Links and Resources

by Christopher Allen

3 Useful Examples of Interactive Documentaries

Out my Window
Local Lore-  aggregates many new projects by radio producers.

Christopher Allen-  early projects.

Yellow Arrow - 2004
Secret New York - 2005
Capitol of Punk - 2006

POPCORN - tools
Popcorn.js - HTML5 javascript library for integrating the web into video production.

Popcorn Maker - 

POPCORN - examples.
Magic Mad Libs (done with Popcorn Maker)
Arcade fire : Wilderness  Downtown (done with popcorn.js)


Zeega Examples:


A web doc is...
Function of network
User can communicate with a character
Interact w/ story or platform or both?
Presentation layer of the internet
Whole greater than sum of parts
A process
Doesn’t have to end
A platform to share ideas
A co-creative document
A participatory thinking process

A web doc is NOT...
Not re-purposed film
Not your advertising campaign
Not b roll
Not a place to dump your footage
Not a viral video
Not downloadable
Not confusing
Not random
Not just a database


NFB - many, many excellent projects from Canada here.

ARTE- many, many excellent projects from France / Germany here.

Tribeca Film Institute funded Films
Tribeca Film Institute funded Films

Navigation, non-linearity 

Gamification / Choose your own Adventure


Generative Data Play / Visualization

Collaborative Documentary Story Collection


Story Structures - part of a workshop at UnionDocs.

List of Funders

I-Docs amazing list of Resources

Interesting Historical Outline

Collection of projects supported by Mozilla hacks.

Great Blog by UK researcher Mandy Rose

Tribeca Sandbox

MIT Open Doc Lab


Awesome list of many, many here:

Scroll Kit (allows for NY Times Snow Fall style builds)

Tapestry Storytelling App
example: “Fish: a tap essay”  By Robin Sloan

Learn to Code

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